Phew, they're all back at school! I enjoyed the Easter holidays (mostly due to Helen distracting me for the first week) but it was REALLY great walking home from school alone this morning!
And now I stink of vinegar from cleaning my windows - the sun shines in our living room window at tea time and for the last week I've been cringing every time the sun works its way to the front of the house - the dirt shows up really badly! But not any more. I feel like I've spent the morning doing the equivelent of defumigating! I realise my children aren't bugs, I'm just saying its nice having them back where they should be of a morning!

Anyway, to prove the point, today he's been to the Royal Courts of Justice in London.
It may not have been with the McCarteneys, but who cares! What a beautiful building to go to work in!
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