No mishaps this time - we made it Colchester Zoo! Same route, no traffic today. And first things first, we went straight to the face painting. The kids ALWAYS ask if they can have their faces painted and we always say no - the zoo is supposed to be a cheap day out 'cause we bought Gold Passes last year. When they ask for face painting and an ice cream and toys from the shop and making coloured sand ornaments and panning for gold ever trip, its just easier to say no to all! But as the cat was away (ie Liam!) the little mice picked an animal and had their face painted - a seal lion, a zeba and a parrot!
For special times of the year the zoo always puts on a little show -for Halloween there was a spooky pirate show and for Easter holidays, it obviously had a seasonal tortoise and hare show! It was a bit like a bad roadshow, but the kids loved it and tried their best to get picked to join in the relay races. They weren't picked, but it was okay 'cause at the end, the tortoise and hare invited all the children from the audience to take part in a big conga race.

Here are a few of our favorite animals for today:

But this is one of my favorite photos from earlier in the year - I know they're safe, but I still feel reckless for letting them be that close to a lion! I know there's glass in between us, he was literally inches away from Sam.
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