Friday 16 May 2008

Strolling in the sun

In this sunny weather, its a crime to stay inside! So after cricket club, parachute club and dance class on Wednesday (Wednesdays are busy after school!), we met Lorraine, Vicky, Leanne and Rachel and went for a walk in the woods near school.

As you can see, I'm always looking for photo opportunities - and the kids are usually quite accomodating but you wouldn't believe the moaning for this photo. I don't know why - I only made them go and line up on a load of rotting old logs and then stand there until all 6 were looking my way (and this can take a while!). How was I to know that the giant wood ants would start climbing up their legs?! They're so fussy!

Our trip DEFINITELY came to an end when I pushed my luck and asked the children to assemble under a picturesque tree for ONE more photo! Just one more.

They were almost in place when Vicky let out a terrifying scream! You know the kind when birds and small animals flee the scene!

We looked down and Vicky had stood in dog poo and wiped it up her leg! Disgusting! That was it - a clean up mission began but as we're bad mums, we had no tissues or baby wipes on us. What do you do when there's nothing to clean a disgusting mess with? You distract Leah and use her pretty pink hat! It did the job enough to pacify Vicky until we got back to the car, but I fear Leah's pink hat is no more!

Luckily, Lorraine's always happy to oblige my psycho-photo-taking-tendencies!

Although she does have some psycho-tendencies of her own!

As we walked home, we passed a big, posh house with a board outside for a landscape designers - they were obviously spending a lot of money paying someone to make their gardens look beautiful!

I don't think you can see from the picture below, but there are bushes on either side of their gate that are COVERED in beautiful purpley-blue flowers. COVERED! It looks fantastic.

As Lorraine marched along, I could hear her muttering to herself! It turns out she's muttering about how irresponsible people are to plant flowers that attract bees! She wasn't joking! She wasn't interested in how pretty they look, she just sees them as a health hazzard!

I've got to get over the slight amusement I feel when I see her running from even the sound of a buzz! I know it's not funny, Lorraine, but how can you not see how pretty the flowers are?!

And here's a token picture of me to show that I do put my camera down sometimes!