Tuesday 8 April 2008

Martha moment...

Its the Easter holidays, Vicky stayed over last night, so we had a little craft moment! Megan and Vicky went round the corner to the local florist and bought some florist wire (a big adventure - I only let Megan go to the shops when Vicky's here). I wrote down that they needed to buy "a reel of florist wire" if it cost less than £3. Apparently Vicky got a bit tongue tied and asked the florist if they sold any "reel flowers for less than £3" but then referred to her bit of paper! They were thrilled to get a bargain for £1.50 - they came home really proud of their deal!

Anyway, here's what we made with some tissue paper and florist wire! Click on the picture above for Martha's instructions - they're supposed to be big, to hang from ceilings or small, to decorate napkins, but Megan preferred hers in her hair! Hope it doesn't rain!