Monday 14 July 2008

Creativity Life!

Did I mention my latest brush with the media? Last month I was on the radio, this month I have an article in a magazine! I have to say this is definitely a "who you know, not what you know" moment! Becks recently started a new job which included editing a new scrapbooking magazine. She wanted an article on family history, and knowing that I'm a family history bore, asked me if I'd write one. I haven't EVER done anything like that before - my dad told me to always choose maths over english 'cause if you know your stuff, you can get 100% in maths, but its hard to get that in english. Makes sense to me, so thats what I've always done.

But I can't turn down a salary! So I thought I'd give it a go and here we are! My article's in the magazine! Go and see if you can get a copy - they're available in craft shops.

I rang the tax office last week to check I was giving the magazine the right tax numbers so they can pay me, and nice tax lady wanted to update her records. She asked what my business was and I stuttered "erm...well I've written an article for a magazine..." She replied "Ahhh, so you're an author."

My toes curled a little and I stuttered a bit more, but left it at that! Not really, but for that one moment on the phone I was an author!

Anyway, I'm off to clean my toilet, put some washing in and make the kids packed lunches now! Reality bites!