Tuesday 1 July 2008

Cricket update!

After taking advice from Alan Tichmarsh and David Bellamy (...erm, my mum actually, but I'm sure she know as much as those two!) we collected our friendly cricket and took him to the usual release location - Danbury common! He had REALLY sticky feet - maybe thats why he'd sat on the same basil leaf for at least 3 days.

Sam used to hate creepy crawlies - Megan's the one to pick up everything gross and disgustion, but he's getting braver and wanted to be in charge of Cricket's release (although Megan had to pick him off the leaf - none of the rest of us wanted that job).

We popped to the Common on the way to church, so we didn't have time to dawdle and settle him - just time for Sam to wave him about on his finger then not notice when he fell off. I'm not saying he definitely stood on Cricket, it was very grassy after all, but I wasn't willing to

investigate the scene

Although Danbury Common was one of mum's suggestions, another was that we eat it as it would taste nice and fragrant from all the basil it had been eating! I think I've just gone off basil...