Wednesday 18 June 2008

Old News

I realise that I'm not exactly keeping up with current affairs, but this story is new to me! Hester sent me this on Facebook today and its my new favorite clip!

So it started in 1969 with two men from Chelsea buying a lioncub from Harrods! How things have changed! They called him Christian and he lived with them for 1 year - travelling in the car, even swimming in the English Channel!

When he grew from 35lbs to more than 9 stone in that year, they realised they couldn't keep him any more and he was released in Africa.

Four years later, even though Christian hadn't been seen for 9 months, the two men travelled to Africa to see where he had been released. The night before they arrived, Christian was seen outside the camp - like he was waiting for them. This is the clip of them meeting the lion. How wierd and wonderful is this?