Caravans, a pier and beach huts - that's what I'd heard about West Mersea - so that's why we went on Sunday afternoon. Its about 45mins from our house - perfect for a little bit of fresh air after church.

Of course when we got there, the tide was RIGHT out! There was a mass of sand in front of us, and it didn't take long for Liam and Sam to spot the tiny crabs running around. I had settled myself down next to a wind breaker, but as they started to wander off in the pursuit of crabs, I realised that if I didn't follow, they would stray for miles without me.
Sam became the expedition leader, dangerous I know - he was bouncing around, collecting up tiny crabs and thoroughly enjoying the sea air. And then there's the pull of the sea. We HAD to walk out to the water - the only problems were the shells - particularly oysters so we all had to keep our shoes on - and the SINKING MUD! It took us by surprise...

The kids all had waterproof sandles on, but Liam had trainers on...

I and I had flipflops on!

They just got sucked into the mud so I had to squish through this disgusting ooze! Sam kept shouting, "its SOOO oily"! I could feel THINGS under the mud - shells or crabs or maybe sharks?! I had to walk really quickly so nothing could bite! I think I might need counselling now!
Leah had the best idea!

We did manage to make it out to the sea - it was the dirtiest sea I've ever seen, and a proper mum would have stopped this from happening...

...and a proper dad wouldn't have encourged them to wade out through the grimey water to a little island...

By the time we got back through the mud, we were all filthy! Luckily there was tap near the beachhuts! I'm so glad the locals appreciate how mucky their beach is! We needed the tap.

Before we could wash the bucket out, we had to send Megan back to the sea to put back the two crabs she was trying to sneak home! You have to constantly watch her!
Just time to dry off in the park
Don't take your eye off Sam on a big climbing frame - its a long way to fall!

West Mersea wasn't exactly what I was hoping for, but we still had a great, but filthy time!
You all look like some creature from the Black Lagoon. I'm nannie to a family of sea monsters!!!
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