We've got a muddy corner of the garden where we (erm, Liam actually) filled in the pond. The kids love to dig in this, and make a swamp. Today's swamp had a bit more character. This is what evolves when you leave Sam and Leah creating!
Look closely and you'll see a storm trooper lurking - obviously! Chess pieces are so boring on a board - much better in a swamp!

This swamp is the perfect place for Sam, he seems to have no concept of cleanliness! Where as most people avoid muck, Sam is oblivious to where he's putting his hands!
The muckier he is, the happier he is! At one point, Leah fell in the swamp and got her trousers wet. She started crying because she was dirty until I pointed to Sam and she realised she was like Kim and Aggie in comparison!
Its amazing what you can find in Danbury Swamps...
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