Now down to the serious business of Sports Day! This is our first sports at St John's and its SERIOUS!
Two years ago at Meersbrook Bank School, they had a non-competative sports day! All the kids just got to try loads of different fun sports - no winners and losers. They gave up on it the next year and it was a regular sports day.
So this was our first experience of Sports Day at St John's - and I have to admit to gasping when I saw that there were 54 races listed on the programme! ...and Megan was in only 5 of them!
She was in the first race of the day - the 60m sprint...and I missed it! I know I'm usually late for everything, but I really wasn't this time. I purposely arrived a few minutes late because Leah was still very spotty and I wanted to sneak in at the back and avoid funny looks. But I felt a bit gutted when she mimed across the track that she'd won it! Luckily, she kept winning so I got to see more success!
I suppose it should be no surprise that she won the skipping race - I think Meersbrook Bank should claim some of the success for the that one - they were big on skipping and really encouraged her.

But the egg and spoon as well? That's my girl - she came first in all 3 of her individual races. Of course her athletic abilities come straight from me and Liam - it MUST be in her blood!
Next was the obstacle relay. I see how Megan prepares for a race - I think its some sort of yoga move - she was probably humming at the same time as standing on one leg to concentrate her mind... 
The cargo net may have slowed her down, but...

...her yoga must have worked because her team won! Four wins out of four!
We had been there for nearly 2 hours and Leah was getting wriggley so we mouthed our apologies to Megan and left. Her final relay team managed to come 3rd.
What a fanastically sporty girl we have! I was thrilled! Well done Megan!
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