To avoid sitting in traffic for hours, Marc advised us to wait after 7ish to set off home - if Marc can cope with us for a bit longer, we'd love to stay for a few more hours! So for tea, we all walked next door to the pub. It was either next door to one pub, or across the road to another - typical village!

Can you spot Liam?
Of course, he's the one half way up a big tree! Too high up to even lure children up - that's what usually happens.
What a fantastic weekend - Liam kept telling me it wasn't like a weekend away, it was like a proper holiday! Helen and Marc provided us with plenty of room for all 5 of us (no mean feat) and activities suited to all! Great hosts! And lovely to catch up with Jaqui - didn't matter that I hadn't seen her for years.
*Note to Helen and Marc: If ever you want me to do your wedding photography, just let me know - I can do more like this! I feel I can really capture Marc's best side!
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