I love Lorraine!
I'm SO not a children's party girl!
I've got three children, and only once have I done the party myself - all the other parties have been celebrated at various ball parks in Sheffield. I just haven't got what it takes to make it fun! In pass the parcel, I just have them whizzing the parcel around to get it over with - there's no entertainment or excitement - it ends up being a chore for the kids!
So this year when we started thinking about a party for Sam, I decided we would pay a children's entertainer. I got a few recommendations from some Mum's from school - the first one quoted me £200 for 2 hours, the second £80 for 1 1/2 hours. The £80 one was definitely more appealing. £200 is just too much! With food and party bags on top, people must spend a fortune.
But when I told Lorraine I was going to pay £80, she said "Don't do that - kids parties are so easy - I'll do it for you!" She's like a dream sister-in-law!
So here we are. We decided to have a joint party for Sam and Leah, not that I was thinking we would get it over and done in one or anything! I just thought they'd enjoy being together!
And the star of the show was Lorraine. (I'm waiting for my mum to email a photo of her - she had the best one.)

She put her hair in bunches, wore tights with shorts over and stuck lollipops to her t-shirt for prizes! And she got right in there - she danced with the kids, pulled faces with them and had them whooping and cheering.s

Our favorite part was making the cake! Lorraine had the kids put all the ingredients into a bowl and they mixed it all up. It included flour, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, curry powder, leaves, food colouring, eggs (shells included) everything yukky and smelly! They mixed it up, then put it in the oven Lorraine had made.
She got them chanting magic words, and swaying and singing until she checked the oven and it had changed into a tiny fairy cake! So she put it back and made them sing some more, and when they checked again, a huge birthday cake appeared! As if by magic!
The only bit I was responsible for was preparing the pass the parcel - and I even managed to mess that up! Megan and Josh started screaming with laughter when they saw the naked Trinny and Susannah picture that we used to wrap the parcel! You can't be expected to read every page of your pass the parcel, can you?? 

The Piniata always makes me nervous - swinging that big stick in a room full of kids is just asking for trouble! Luckily we had no casualties! And I can't help smirking at the kids diving for the sweets like they've never had sweets before - it doesn't seem right and they look like savages, but it makes me smile!
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