Sam has been excited ALL week because of his school play - The Emperor and the Nightingale. When he told me he was a frog, and he and Cameron had to hop to the middle of the stage, ribbit, and hop off again I thought he'd been given one of those made up roles to make everyone feel included! But it turns out that he was one of only a handful of the three year 2/1 classes to have a costume! It was a real role! Most of the children just wore chinese hats and sang so I was really pleased for Sam that he got to dress up because he's SO enthusiatic!
He almost missed his cue, but luckily Miss Henty was on hand to shove him along, and he actually did just hop on, and hop off again, but he absolutely sang every word of every song with gusto and enthusiasm - he really enjoyed himself!

He told me that he really wanted to be the Emperor, but I'm glad we didn't have the pressure of learning lines! I'm happy with our frog!

Frogs eat crickets! Let Sam eat the bug. Dip it in chocolate - delicious!!!!
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