The weather was a bit dodgey on Sunday, but it didn't put us off! We waited for Jaqui to join us (LOVELY to spend the day with her), then went to the New Forest Reptile Centre. We loved seeing the creatures - natterjack toads, sand lizards, snakes - it inspired me to join the kids up with the RSPB who had a stand there. I fell for their marketing! I've been thinking of doing this before, and have actually filled out the form recently, but never sent it. Call me impetuous, but I bit the bullet and signed up for the £2.09 / month. I know - get me!

While some of us chatted to relax, others (Liam) were so successful in their relaxation that they started snoring! I have to say, this snoring was bothering me a little, but I let it slide because I knew he was tired after the early morning fishing trip. But it was obviously bothering Lucy too. She had been laid quietly next Helen, but got up, walked over to Liam, shook sand all over him then calmly walked back to Helen and laid down again! It worked - he stopped snoring and brushed himself down! She's such a clever woman!
Chatting stopped temporarily and was replaced with hilarity and admiration!
I think the Loch Ness monster has gone on holiday to Bournemouth! What unusual purple bumps it has!
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