Monday 31 March 2008

The Fishermen Return...

For MONTHS, Liam and Richard have been planning a 3 day fishing trip to Horse Shoe Lake in Gloucestershire...Liam bought a new bivvy especially and it turns out it was a good job he did, 'cause except for last weekend when it snowed, they picked one of the worst weekends possible! It was windy and poured with rain and was altogther horrible! And to make matters worse, right until the last minute, they didn't catch any fish! Richard saved the day by catching a 10lb pike as they were packing up their things on Sunday morning. Here they are returning, exhausted! I cleaned up the pans they had been using and I'd say that the kids were right in their prediction - we guess they ate loads of burnt sausages - I'd say Liam will be in PILES of trouble from a bad diet!