I realise this isn't really my story to write, but its not every day that I get to spend the afternoon at QVC!
I haven't actually ever bought anything from QVC or any other shopping channel, but I know people who have (**Hilary!!**), but I've certainly flicked through the channels enough to get excited when Becks told me she was going for a screen test there. And when she said "Why don't you come with me tomorrow?" my mind immediately started thinking about logistics, it being the school holidays.
My one chance to escape from the kids was if Lorraine could have my 3 kids along with her own 3 kids for the afternoon. It was a big ask, but she's a great sister in law and I knew that if she could, she would. And with out much thought, she agreed. I did emphasise to her that this was purely pleasure - no practical or financial reasons - just an afternoon out, but that made her all the happier to have them.
So my kids were duely dumped and Becks and I set out for Vauxhall.
I always get excited driving into London, and despite the TomTom taking us backwards and forwards over the river 3 times, we still got there in good time - plenty of time to sit and people watch from the cafe balcony.

One of them was showbiz enough to come into the reception with her dressing gown and curlers! I was horrified when Becks whispered for me to get my camera out! What if she spotted the flash and flounced over in a Naomi Campbell style strop, demanding I delete the pictures?! Its happened to me before in pastry shop of all places, so it could easily happen at a TV studio! It could ruin Becks chances - they might not let her do her screen test?!
Becks is too bold for her own good and whipped the camera from me just in time to snap Showbiz Debbie as she left with her entourage.
Luckily, in this instance, we weren't frog-marched from the premises and Becks was safe to go for her screen test! I don't think I'm ready for a career as a paparazzi yet!

I already loved seeing the "On Air" sign in the recording studio...
... so it was even weirder going into one of the studios for the screen test.

Of course Becks took it all in her stride. It was slightly comforting for me see that she was slightly nervous! But despite some nerves, she was fantastic and they LOVED her! They gushed about how good she was and how good she looked on screen! Especially when they found out she has 4 kids!

So watch out for her doing a two hour show in October!

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