I'm very lucky to have university friends that are born organisers. This is why 17 years after we first met in halls of residence in Brighton, we're still meeting to catch up on each others news.
Jo's train brought her into London in time for us to meet at 11am, but as Lou and I live nearer, we arranged to meet at 10. Within seconds of meeting Louise, she had fallen in a drainage ditch at the Tower of London viewing platform and twisted her ankle! And it really hurt! Not so good when you're at the start of a day out in London!
Luckily, Jo is a pharmacist and Louise had COMPLETE confidence that she would know what to do...and she did! We marched (well some of us did, others hobbled) to Boots and bought a stretchy sock bandage and a box of suitable painkillers! Good job Jo was on hand to apply the bandage - I'm not much good at putting tights on little girls so I fear Louise would have had a Nora Batty bandage if it had been down to me and she wouldn't have put up with that!

From there we headed to Planet Hollywood for a drink - I had a FANTASTIC smoothie - and then headed to covent garden to do some shopping. It absolutely poured with rain all day - typical of this summer - but it doesn't much matter if you're happy to spend your day shopping and eating!
So we ran from Covent Garden to the nearest restaurant for a lovely lunch.

Then a bit more shopping before we headed back towards Leicester Square for dessert ( I wasn't joking when I said all we did was shop and eat!). Of course while Louise and Joanna indulged in these delicious desserts, I just had a healthy apple... and as I was taking the photos, there's no evidence otherwise!

It was great catching up - we're all full-time mums now - eight kids between us, so we did a lot of comparing stories! I love that (in my eyes) they look exactly the same as they did in Brighton! And I love that they're exactly the same as when we were Brighton and we all adopt the same roles - when there's a decision to make, Lou and I look to Jo to make it! She'll always be the mum of the group even though we're all mums now!
We missed Rachel who couldn't make it, but hopefully we'll see her next time.
And by some strange coincedence, look who we bumped into in Leicester square:
Mum and HER university friends were having their annual trip to London! Its a small world!

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