I've heard a lot about Grennan for the last 11 years - I love that we were all able to visit. Grennan is the farm where Liam's Grandad grew up - Liam loves to talk about how his Grandad used to catch salmon in the river Nore which runs through the farm. This visit was definitely one of the things we were all excited about - and also why we packed wellies for the trip!
Megan was immediately taken with one of their dogs...
...while Sam was otherwise distracted...
Geoffrey is Bills cousin. When Liam and I first got married, he lived in London and was an administrator/book keeper type person. We used to see him quite often, and its so different seeing him on the farm.
He introduced us to these two new born calves - 2 days old - and being adopted by this mummy cow. Geoffrey had to encourage them to feed from the mum (ie shove their heads at her udder)and then stop them from drinking too much...all very clever.
I was more than a little distracted by her huge udders!
The farmland is amazing...
...we were all taken by the views...well, I'm not so sure about Leah!
It was just a shame that the river was too swollen for us to have a dip!
Bill's Uncle George loves horses and his current distraction was this horse which was ready to pop! She was due to give birth a few days after we flew home, but we were hoping she'd produce early so we could see her baby! She didn't, but you could see Uncle George's excitement and anticipation. In the future, the foal will be a show jumper.
So much to see on the farm - family, animals, beautiful views, history...how come all they could see was the mud?!
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