In my ideal visit, we'd go to the church, search the grave yard and find a big Tracey gravestone with generations of family history!
I marched the kids and Liam round - everyone had a section to search but we quickly realised that not only were the graves so big that they were all very rich deceased (not likely in my family), but there was not a whisper of a Tracey!
Oh well, good try. It was a nice old church anyway! And the entrance was part of an ancient monastery (guess who's been reading Wikipedia) - I love a bit of history!
Oh well, good try. It was a nice old church anyway! And the entrance was part of an ancient monastery (guess who's been reading Wikipedia) - I love a bit of history!

I found this old photo of Roscrea, its amazing how similar it looks now!

And here's my list of other historic things to look at in Roscrea...
So the Tracey's didn't throw themselves at me while we were in Roscrea, but I got a nice idea of what the town was like for future visits and the lady at the castle gave me the address of the North Tipperary family history information office so I'll try them in my hunt for Martin Tracey!
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