Yea, the Bradbury's arrived and the weather was FAB! I was thinking we'd just have a lazy afternoon at home after all their driving, but the weather was so lovely, it would be a shame to waste it. It's poured with rain and even hail all week, so a bit of sunshine is great.

The supervisors watched on...dry!
These are THE most amazing curls ever!
What would bed time bring? Six adults and seven children in our little 3 bedroomed house could have been a challenge, but amazingly, it went better than expected! Of course we could have done with a few extra rooms, but as camping goes, everyone mucked in!
We ummed and ahhed about where to go, Southend was winning, then Liam checked the internet and realised that Maldon Splash Park had reopened that morning!
Just 10 minutes away, its perfect for our age kids:

What would bed time bring? Six adults and seven children in our little 3 bedroomed house could have been a challenge, but amazingly, it went better than expected! Of course we could have done with a few extra rooms, but as camping goes, everyone mucked in!

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