Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Sam and Grandma and Great Grandma,
Happy Birthday to you!
Its a busy day for us - three birthdays in one day.
Sam was up at 6.30 to look for his pressies! But he had to wait for Leah to wake up for his main present - she had wrapped it up and hidden it a few days ago! Luckily, he had a little present to open that kept him going!

During the Easter holidays, we went to Ikea with the Faggs and the kids all went in the creche. They played a play station game with buzzers and thats all sam wanted for his birthday. All children were pleased - and were playing it before 7am!

Then after school we went to Lorraines and they had a McDonalds picnic.

Then the other birthday girl arrived! To celebrate Delores' birthday, Lorraine, Delores and I went to the Spa at Aqua Springs in Colchester while Richard, Nicola and Liam looked after the kids. We definitely got the better deal! 

And the last birthday girl is my Grandma. She tried to miss this (her 87th) birthday by choking on a piece of chinese chicken that she pinched off Grandad's plate last week! Luckily for us, after the paramedics tried the Heimlich Manoeuvre (just had to Google that to get the right spelling!) and then rushed her to hospital in an ambulance...she swallowed it!
Happy birthday to all three lovely people!
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