While I was hanging out in my bedroom on a lazy half term morning, Megan was in her bedroom giving Leah a makeover. This photo doesn't do justice to the transformation, but for some reason she turned Leah into Amy Winehouse! Bush head hair, flicky over-the-top eye liner, rouged cheeks, and let me tell you, she has Amy Winehouse attitude at times.
When Megan does her own make up, she has more of a Barbie/Ella Enchanted look - interesting that she turns Leah into Amy - I'll look into the psychology of that at some point!
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Amy's makeup artist
Posted by The Hastings Family at 21:00 0 comments

Then the film...Richard and Liam chose Indiana Jones! How could they not really - it was a blast from the past, and I was keen to see how Harrison Ford would handly all the jumping around and fighting when he's older than our parents!
Don't think it was Nicola's cup of tea - she's 10 years younger than me and so hasn't seen the original Indiana Jones films! (and she hasn't seen Top Gun either! How can that happen!) But I quite enjoyed it. It is what it is - not anything fantastic, but I was scared of the people-eating ants, and enjoyed the special effects, but I don't need to see it again!
But even better, Wednesday morning Liam went to work, and I had the house to myself! No kids until lunchtime! Thanks Delores.
Posted by The Hastings Family at 11:59 0 comments
Parcel for Sam
If only I was quick enough with my camera! When we got home on Tuesday, there was a parcel on the door stop for Sam - how EXCITING for a little 6 year old. It was ripped open before he could even read who it was from! Luckily I could see it was from Auntie Barbara - a drawing bug that entertained all ages in our family! Sam had a great birthday, some lovely presents and a wallet full of money to take to Toys R Us!
Posted by The Hastings Family at 11:51 0 comments
Bank Holiday Feast

Posted by The Hastings Family at 11:13 0 comments
For the last year, we've had zoo gold passes and we've had fantastic value out of them! But the end is near - they run out at the beginning of June so we had one last visit.
First stop was requested by Rachel - the sea lions. It's fantastic that we can get so close to the animals - the tunnel is one of our favourite places at the zoo...

We've been to Colchester zoo and also Twycross and Chester zoos more times than I can remember in the last year, in fact, we're a little bit zoo-ed out, but I'd definitely get these passes again in the future. We're saving up Tesco Clubcard points to get Tussard passes next! I wonder if they'll get fed up of going to Chessington after a year of visiting!
Posted by The Hastings Family at 10:48 0 comments
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Saturday, 24 May 2008
23rd May - busy day
Happy Birthday to you,

And the last birthday girl is my Grandma. She tried to miss this (her 87th) birthday by choking on a piece of chinese chicken that she pinched off Grandad's plate last week! Luckily for us, after the paramedics tried the Heimlich Manoeuvre (just had to Google that to get the right spelling!) and then rushed her to hospital in an ambulance...she swallowed it!
Happy birthday to all three lovely people!
Posted by The Hastings Family at 23:19 0 comments
Last minute BBQ

Sort him out, will you?

Posted by The Hastings Family at 22:43 0 comments
Changing Faces...
That was the reasoning behind last weeks walk in the woods - her birthday was creeping towards us
Luckily for us, I've downloaded a trial of Photoshop and so could fiddle with the photo! Its HARD getting 6 kids to look in the same direction at the same time. And without photoshop, we wouldn't have managed it. Here's how the photo changed... first watch Rachel, then Leah, then Leanne, then it gets lighter and brighter, then darker at the edges, then I cleaned off the mess on Megan's leg! I LOVE photoshop!

Posted by The Hastings Family at 21:38 0 comments
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Easy mistake to make!
Since Hilary's been so excited about finding her Grandad at the memorial in London, I decided it was time for me to have another look at my family history. I signed up to one of my favorite sites - ancestry.co.uk and started to trawl through the censuses.

Posted by The Hastings Family at 15:29 0 comments
Lazy Saturdays
When I woke up on Saturday (okay, when Liam woke me up at 9ish) he had already looked up the £1 cinema and found that there was a film on that we hadn't seen - Evan Almighty. We thought our animal-loving children would enjoy this so we called at the co-op for goodies and then headed for downtown Basildon!
When Liam paid, they gave him 3 vouchers for a free kids meal at the Outback Steak House - we had to go! Even with the vouchers, it still wasn't particularly cheap, but what a lovely way for a dad to spend 2 hours with his kids on a Saturday afternoon.

Posted by The Hastings Family at 00:04 0 comments
Monday, 19 May 2008
In his fathers footsteps?
What other way is there for Sam to go than to aim to be captain of the chess team like his dad was.
Megan loves playing chess, and now Sam's getting an interest in it too. Of course it does help that Kay next door gave us a Star Wars chess set! You don't even need to know the rules when Yoda is the queen and Hans Solo is the Bishop!
Posted by The Hastings Family at 23:52 0 comments
Wildlife rage!
While I was taking this RUBBISH photo of Leanne (do I sound bitter?), I heard a big dog scrambling down the path towards us. I didn't turn round, but I know that another thing Lorraine hates is a big dog! And this sounded like a BIG dog! I stopped in my tracks, waiting for her to vault over the gate or swear! But she didn't move and didn't say a word!
But when I turned round, there was no dog! And Lorraine's chin had nearly hit the floor - it turns out it wasn't a big dog, it was a bold badger running across the path a few feet away from us! And I missed it because I was taking a rubbish picture! I'm SO jealous! If i'd just turned a few degrees to the right, I might have had my first wildlife shot!
Lorraine said it was either a badger or a bear! I'm miffed enough about missing the badger, but if I ever find out there's a random bear colony in Danbury woods, I'll resent her for life!
Posted by The Hastings Family at 23:36 0 comments
Friday, 16 May 2008
Strolling in the sun
In this sunny weather, its a crime to stay inside! So after cricket club, parachute club and dance class on Wednesday (Wednesdays are busy after school!), we met Lorraine, Vicky, Leanne and Rachel and went for a walk in the woods near school.
As you can see, I'm always looking for photo opportunities - and the kids are usually quite accomodating but you wouldn't believe the moaning for this photo. I don't know why - I only made them go and line up on a load of rotting old logs and then stand there until all 6 were looking my way (and this can take a while!). How was I to know that the giant wood ants would start climbing up their legs?! They're so fussy!
Our trip DEFINITELY came to an end when I pushed my luck and asked the children to assemble under a picturesque tree for ONE more photo! Just one more.
They were almost in place when Vicky let out a terrifying scream! You know the kind when birds and small animals flee the scene!
We looked down and Vicky had stood in dog poo and wiped it up her leg! Disgusting! That was it - a clean up mission began but as we're bad mums, we had no tissues or baby wipes on us. What do you do when there's nothing to clean a disgusting mess with? You distract Leah and use her pretty pink hat! It did the job enough to pacify Vicky until we got back to the car, but I fear Leah's pink hat is no more!
Luckily, Lorraine's always happy to oblige my psycho-photo-taking-tendencies!Although she does have some psycho-tendencies of her own!
As we walked home, we passed a big, posh house with a board outside for a landscape designers - they were obviously spending a lot of money paying someone to make their gardens look beautiful!
I don't think you can see from the picture below, but there are bushes on either side of their gate that are COVERED in beautiful purpley-blue flowers. COVERED! It looks fantastic.
As Lorraine marched along, I could hear her muttering to herself! It turns out she's muttering about how irresponsible people are to plant flowers that attract bees! She wasn't joking! She wasn't interested in how pretty they look, she just sees them as a health hazzard!
I've got to get over the slight amusement I feel when I see her running from even the sound of a buzz! I know it's not funny, Lorraine, but how can you not see how pretty the flowers are?!

Posted by The Hastings Family at 16:01 0 comments