While we were out having lunch with Harriet and the rest of Liam's family, I got the sad phone call from mum that my Grandad had died.
He's been ill for a while, and even more so in the week before he died, so it wasn't a shock, but I still felt very sad.
I absolutely adore my Grandad, I loved the stories he told, even though in the last few years he told them over and over again! I especially liked it when he told us that he'd been all over the world, and even to the moon - I love that in his old age, he felt so well travelled that he thought he'd been to the moon!
I'll really miss him, but I'm glad he's not trapped in his old body and mind any more, and I have no doubt he'll be waiting to meet me when its my turn to go. xx
8th June 1916 - 26th October 2008

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