What a dilemma - we'd set aside a day to go on our first trip to Legoland, but when we woke up, it was pouring with rain.

We submitted 3 entries:In fairness, Leah should win 'cause she built hers by herself, where as me and Liam took over Megan's and Sam's. Its very difficult not to build when there's a table full of Lego in front of you! Unfortunately, we're still waiting for the phonecall to tell us we've won...sob.
Ultimately, there's only so long grownups can play with Lego, so we decided to brave the rain and go explore...but not before Sam had a photo with a...bounty hunter...
...this is a specific bounty hunter Sam informed us, being obsessed with Lego starwars as he is, but I've forgotten its name...!
The rain had eased a bit so of course we headed for the rides, and the first one we came to was the rapids boat ride...and we got soaked?! I don't know why we did that - its like you can't help yourself - we were drawn to the wet rides like it was a boiling hot summers day. Except it wasn't - it was cold and wet!
We went a few dry rides, then just couldn't resist going on the scarey water slide, and getting soaked to the bottom in the boat! And there was no getting dry after that!
After this scarey ride, we went for something a bit more tame...funny how you lose all street cred when you're a dad!The best ride to watch was the kids driving school. 4 year old Leah was great at working the break and accelerator and steering wheel...
...and Megan did great too...
...whereas Sam didn't get the hang of it! He spent the whole time like this:
He cried in the curb for ten minutes! The helpers kept rescuing him, and then as soon as there was another corner to turn, he crashed! I'm now commiting to never teach Sam to drive! I think it'll be a nightmare - it'll have to be Liam's job...in Liam's car!
We loved Legoland - there was only one ride Leah couldn't go on (although being the scaredy cat that she is, there were a few that she chose not to go on) and despite the weather, we loved it.

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