Sunday, 30 November 2008
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Natural History Museum
I have to say, he made a great choice! Although we've been before, there's so much to explore its like visiting a new museum everytime.
Last time we went to the NHM, we missed the room with the blue whale (imagine missing a blue whale?!) so this time we headed straight for the animals.
The blue whale kept a beady eye on Megan...
The other unmissable bit was the dinosaurs...although thats always the part with the longest queue.
...we spent a few hours at the museum and then decided to take advantage of our Merlin card so we headed over to the London Aquarium, via Big Ben.
Not knowing London all that well, we were pleasantly surprised when we arrived at the Aquarium, only to find that it was right next to the London Eye - both are on our Merlin Card list so we had a wander round the aquarium (no photos - the fish are flash shy) then hopped on the Eye - our first time.
A lovely relaxing 40 minutes with lots to see.
It was a jam-packed day - we seemed to fit so much in.
On the train on the way back, Megan still had a bit of energy left ...
Posted by The Hastings Family at 14:54 1 comments
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Harriet's here
We made a flying visit to visit Nanny Pat, 'cause Auntie Harriet was visiting from Canada.Always time for a few quick photos!

Posted by The Hastings Family at 14:03 1 comments
Monday, 10 November 2008
No Particular Reason Party
She called it a "no particular reason party", but as I (well we) took Leanne crabbing and caught nearly a hundred crabs, Lorraine's feeling the pressure to maintain her title as "World's Best Auntie"!

...and another pops along......and another pops along!
They're so good at posing 'cause they've got mums who can't take enugh photos for their blogs! We're a little obsessed!
So what do you do at a no particular reason party? A lot of this...
...a bit of this (only Vicky of course - the rest of us couldn't manage it!)...
Posted by The Hastings Family at 23:09 0 comments
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Lazy Sunday Afternoons
After Delores volunteered me to teach a RS/PH family history lesson in her ward, she smoothed things over after I'd done it by inviting us over for a delicious roast dinner! What a feast!
I wish I'd taken an "after" picture to go with this "before" picture 'cause there wasn't a scrap left on our platesat the end!
I love Sunday afternoons. They kids played with Grandmas Lego and keyrings, and coloured and lounged, while Liam slept on Richards bed watching his tv, and Delores and I lounged and chatted...all after eating a delicious feast!
A perfect Sunday...except for the teaching a lesson!
Posted by The Hastings Family at 00:01 0 comments
Friday, 7 November 2008
Return trip
Leanne came for a sleep over, so we took her to harass the West Mersea crabs again! We knew she'd enjoy it and she did. She even got bold enough to hold a crab!
And our harrassing didn't end with crabs this time...Leah caught a GIANT fish...I know! She takes after her dad!
Posted by The Hastings Family at 23:56 0 comments
What a dilemma - we'd set aside a day to go on our first trip to Legoland, but when we woke up, it was pouring with rain.

We submitted 3 entries:In fairness, Leah should win 'cause she built hers by herself, where as me and Liam took over Megan's and Sam's. Its very difficult not to build when there's a table full of Lego in front of you! Unfortunately, we're still waiting for the phonecall to tell us we've won...sob.
Ultimately, there's only so long grownups can play with Lego, so we decided to brave the rain and go explore...but not before Sam had a photo with a...bounty hunter...
...this is a specific bounty hunter Sam informed us, being obsessed with Lego starwars as he is, but I've forgotten its name...!
The rain had eased a bit so of course we headed for the rides, and the first one we came to was the rapids boat ride...and we got soaked?! I don't know why we did that - its like you can't help yourself - we were drawn to the wet rides like it was a boiling hot summers day. Except it wasn't - it was cold and wet!
We went a few dry rides, then just couldn't resist going on the scarey water slide, and getting soaked to the bottom in the boat! And there was no getting dry after that!
After this scarey ride, we went for something a bit more tame...funny how you lose all street cred when you're a dad!The best ride to watch was the kids driving school. 4 year old Leah was great at working the break and accelerator and steering wheel...
...and Megan did great too...
...whereas Sam didn't get the hang of it! He spent the whole time like this:
He cried in the curb for ten minutes! The helpers kept rescuing him, and then as soon as there was another corner to turn, he crashed! I'm now commiting to never teach Sam to drive! I think it'll be a nightmare - it'll have to be Liam's Liam's car!
We loved Legoland - there was only one ride Leah couldn't go on (although being the scaredy cat that she is, there were a few that she chose not to go on) and despite the weather, we loved it.

Posted by The Hastings Family at 22:18 0 comments