This is my friend Hilary!She's a very clever lady. Todays cleverness came in the form of suggesting a day out to the heathery hills near toads mouth on the way to Hathersage.
How better to tire out 6 kids (without spending money!) than to march them up a big mountain! And they were all so pleased to see each other that was much less moaning than expected!
I LOVE the hills at this time of year - you're surrounded by a sea of purple...
...but there's much more for the kids to do up there than just admire the views - there's a few rocks for them to climb......and being intrepid explorers, they HAD to climb them all!
As you can see from this picture, there's so much to...erm...point at! I'm not sure what they're pointing at, but I'm thinking it maybe a rock?! There were a lot of them.
The rocks they climbed started out low...
...and got a bit higher...
...and higher!
I'm really not sure Hilary should have allowed this - she's the responsible teacher after all. I'm not sure she carried out a risk assessment on this rock. Her responsiblity was, after all, rock safety on that day (well thats what I've decided now I've seen the pictures). Mine was more about heather appreciation...
Its always amazing what wildlife you can find lurking in the heather...
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