David insisted on this one...
Megan spent the whole of last term learning about World War 2 - she really enjoyed it. She was THRILLED when she bumped into Winston Churchill and, erm, Hitler!
Two down, how many free attractions can we fit in to our trip?! We headed for the London Aquarium and on the way, averted a disaster. Luckily Megan was on hand to prop up Big Ben
The Aquarium was great - especially the sharks.

By this time, we were starving so we headed back to Leicester Square to get KFC. Actually, we marched aimlessly round the London Eye for about half an hour, desperately looking for KFC to end the day perfectly, but we couldn't find one, so we jumped on the tube again and went where I knew there was one. Unfortunately, I didn't realise it was the premier of Quantum of Solace in Leicester Square! It was heaving! We fought our way through, with my camera on hand to snap any celebrities. Leicester Square must have been packed with them - we could hear the crowds cheering every now and then.
This is my one and only paparrazzi shot:
I got a blurred picture of Boris! I think I've definitely blown my chance to be a paparrazzi!
KFC was worth the wait, and we headed home exhausted! I don't think we could have fitted much more in.